With a downturn in the economy, both in the global and Chinese markets, it’s always a question of ho
2022.09.21 by Cocos
Company News

With a downturn in the economy, both in the global and Chinese markets, it’s always a question of how resilient is the entertainment industry in these times? We know many went flocking to movies during the great depression, and the music industry wasn’t affected by the 2008 crisis. So what about today’s downturns? Will gaming be unaffected by the issues of Covid and an expected global recession?

A report by Gamma Data, a group that follows the Chinese game industry, shares the first half of the game industry. The “China Gaming Industry Report January – June 2022” has a lot of interesting insights and challenges that we need to address for the rest of the year.

Major News Points

  • On March 14, a new push from the government for companies to add a “minor’s mode” for popular apps, adding to the already three hours a week limits on video games introduced last year. They also asked the public for their suggestions on protecting minors from the internet.
  • On April 15, bans were put in place for live streaming games that were unavailable for sale or purchase in China on local live streaming channels.

Overall Sales

Due to the massive epidemics happening in China and other factors, this is the first year in history that profits were down in China.